Rockford, IL Education


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Rockford, IL is home to a variety of schools, from private elementary and secondary schools to public universities. The local education system has a reputation for quality education with many of its institutions receiving high ratings from various sources. There are several higher education options in Rockford, including Rockford University, Illinois State University-Rockford Branch, and Rock Valley College. Furthermore, the city also offers various vocational and technical schools to students who are looking to gain specialized skills or certification in their chosen field. The city puts a large emphasis on providing quality education to all its residents – regardless of age or socioeconomic background – and strives to provide equal access to educational opportunities throughout the community.

Rockford schools spend $13,132 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 16 pupils per teacher, 0 students per librarian, and 572 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationRockford, IllinoisUnited States
