Rockford, IL Schools


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Rockford, IL is home to a wide variety of educational opportunities for students and their families. The schools in Rockford range from public to private and offer students the chance to get an excellent education. There are several highly rated schools in the district that have earned accolades for their quality instruction and innovative programs. These include Alfano Academy, Auburn High School, Guilford High School, Jefferson High School, Rock Valley College, and many more. Each school offers its own unique approach to education with different curriculums providing students with a range of options when it comes to learning styles and subject areas. Additionally, many schools in Rockford have been recognized as ‘Achievement Gap Closing’ schools by the state of Illinois due to their success in closing the achievement gap between low-income students and their peers. As a result, these schools provide local students with access to quality education regardless of income or background.

Name Grades Type Rating
A C Thompson Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular4
Abraham Lincoln Middle School06 - 08Regular1
Allegro AcademyPK - 08Private
Alpine AcademyPK - 06Private
Arthur Froberg Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular6
Auburn High School09 - 12Regular3
Barbour Two-Way Language ImmersionKG - 08Regular2
Berean Baptist Christian SchoolPK - 12Private
Bernard W Flinn Middle School06 - 08Regular3
Beyer Elementary SchoolPK - 05Regular1
Boylan Catholic High School09 - 12Private
Brookview Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular7
C Henry Bloom Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular3
Cathedral Baptist SchoolPK - 12Private
Christian Life SchoolsPK - 12Private
CICS JacksonKG - 08Regular1
Clifford P Carlson Elementary SchoolPK - 05Regular2
Conklin Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular2
Dennis Early Childhood CenterPK - PKRegular2
Eisenhower Middle School06 - 08Regular3
Ellis Arts AcademyKG - 08Regular2
Fairview CenterPK - PKRegular4
Galapagos Rockford Charter SchoolKG - 08Regular3
Gregory Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular5
Guilford High School09 - 12Regular3
Haskell AcademyPK - 05Regular2
Holy Family Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
Jefferson High School09 - 12Regular2
John Nelson Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular2
Julia Lathrop Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular1
Keith Country Day SchoolPK - 12Private
Kennedy Middle School06 - 08Regular1
King Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular1
Kishwaukee Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular1
Legacy Acad. of Excellence Charter SchoolKG - 10Regular2
Lewis Lemon ElementaryKG - 05Regular1
Marsh Elementary SchoolPK - 05Regular3
Maud E Johnson Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular5
McIntosh ElementaryKG - 05Regular1
Montessori Elementary SchoolPK - 08Regular5
Montessori Private AcademyPK - 08Private
R K Welsh Elementary SchoolPK - 05Regular2
Regional Alternative School09 - 12Alternative Education
Reg'l Learning Academy Star WINN06 - 11Alternative Education
Reg'l Learning Center Star WINN09 - 12Alternative Education
Riverdahl Elementary SchoolPK - 02Regular2
Rockford Christian SchoolsPK - 12Private
Rockford East High School09 - 12Regular3
Rockford Envrnmntl Science Acad.06 - 08Regular1
Rockford Iqra' SchoolPK - 12Private
Rockford Lutheran AcademyPK - 05Private
Rockford Lutheran School - Jr. SR High School06 - 12Private
Rolling GreenPK - 05Regular5
Roosevelt Center09 - 12Regular3
Spectrum SchoolPK - 12Private
Spring Creek Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular2
St. Bernadette Catholic SchoolKG - 08Private
St. Edward SchoolPK - 08Private
St. James Catholic SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Paul Lutheran SchoolPK - 08Private
St. Peter CathedralPK - 08Private
St. Rita SchoolPK - 08Private
Summerdale Early Childhood CenterPK - PKRegular2
Swan Hillman Elementary SchoolPK - 05Regular2
Thurgood Marshall School04 - 08Regular7
Walker Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular3
Washington Academy01 - 05Regular10
West Middle School06 - 08Regular1
West View Elementary SchoolPK - 05Regular4
White Swan Elementary SchoolPK - 02Regular5
Whitehead Elementary SchoolKG - 05Regular2
Wilson Aspire07 - 12Regular
Wm Nashold Elementary School03 - 05Regular2
Name Grades Type Rating
