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2024 Compare Cities Education:
Mount Vernon, WA vs Lakewood, WA

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- Lakewood spends 1.6% more per student than Mount Vernon.
- The Student Teacher Ratio is 6.0% higher in Lakewood than in Mount Vernon. (lower means fewer students in each classroom).
- Lakewood had 0.5% more residents who had graduated High School compared to Mount Vernon

 Mount Vernon, WALakewood, WAUnited States
 Expend. per Student$18,071$18,363$15,905
 Educ. Expend. per Student$15,430$14,056$13,142
 Instr. Expend. per Student$9,303$7,966$7,999
 Pupil/Teacher Ratio17.6218.6816.23
 Students per Librarian170911394573
 Students per Counselor348441530
 Grade School Educ.6.6%3.3%4.8%
 Some High School Educ.5.3%8.2%6.3%
 High School Educ.88.1%88.6%88.9%
 Some College Educ.25.2%26.5%20.0%
 2 yr College Grad.11.1%12.2%8.7%
 4 yr College Grad.25.4%23.4%33.7%
 Masters Grad.7.4%4.9%9.3%
 Professional Degree1.6%1.5%2.2%
 Doctorate Degree0.4%0.7%1.5%

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Reviews for Mount Vernon    6 Reviews
Over 5 years ago
I'm sure it has its flaws, but what stands with me is that everyone whom i meet here is *so polite!* .. People smile and wave you through in traffic. They speak to you  More
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Over 9 years ago
Very little available on starter home price  More
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Over 10 years ago
It rains here a lot. We joke that when the forecast says a 50% chance of rain that it will rain 50% of the day. However, when the sun shines it is beautiful. It is  More
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Reviews for Lakewood    7 Reviews
Historically, Lakewood has had a bad reputation for being a crime ridden city, but since its incorporation in 1996 it has seen a transformation. Many of its roads have  More
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Over 6 years ago
Lakewood is the worst city in the state. With a murder rate that has grown upwards of 20 people a year, to the home invasions that happen every day in the city, don’t  More
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Over 15 years ago
lakewood(chocolate city, lakeview, eastside,tillicum/woodbrook,lakecity) all crime drug and gang filled areas. very high murder rate for a suburb..and there are way too  More
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